


核心课程 包括技能, 知识, and values that provide the foundation of student learning at Saint Mary's College. 这是故意的, 发展, and integrated program of study in four broad intellectual areas: 思维习惯, 通往知识之路, 神学上的理解, 与世界互动.


  • All students who started SMC prior Fall 2022 and transfer students who started in Fall 2022 will complete the Core they have started (i.e.(目前的核心).
  • First-Year students who entered SMC in or after Fall 2022 will complete the new Core.



思维习惯 offers an integrative and 发展 curriculum to foster students' core competencies in written communication, 批判性思维和研究实践, 将共同探究作为一种口头交流的形式, 以及终身学习的能力. 

  • 大学研讨会
    • 三门课程的顺序:SEM150, SEM250, SEM350
    • Transfer students will complete: SEM327 in lieu of SEM150 and SEM250 as separate courses.
  • 写作
    • Sequence of two WRIT courses and a 写作 in the Discipline (WID) course completed in the major: WRIT100s, 200年代令状, 以及本专业的WID课程.
    • Transfer students with IGETC will have both WRIT courses completed upon entry to SMC.
  • 1项
    • 两个JAN课程:jan100和JAN200-400
    • Transfer students who enter SMC in or after the 2nd semester Sophomore standing will complete one JAN course at 200-400 level. 



通往知识之路 (PtK) prepares students for their major field of study by providing the foundational 知识 and skills. Students who complete IGETC will have this area completed upon entry to SMC.




通过数学要求, students will develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the validity of mathematical premises and to argue deductively from them. 通过科学要求, 学生将通过收集来学习归纳论证, 分析, and interpreting empirical data in a systematic way in order to test and revise hypotheses about the natural and physical world.

  • 数学= 1门课程(3个卡内基单元)
  • 科学= 1个讲座+实验课(4个卡内基单元)



学生将学习基于社会科学的理论, 方法, or frameworks to explore the richness and complexity of human behaviors, 组织, 以及社会制度. They will do this by developing the 知识 base and skills required to engage in a systematic exploration of human society and its socio-cultural and organizational institutions using social scientific reasoning approaches.

  • 1门课程(3个卡内基单元)



学生将学习如何批判性地分析人工制品, 叙述, 经历, 或者艺术形式. 他们还将使用适当的出口生成工件. Students will take either a single course that meets both Analysis and Practice or separate courses.

  • 1-2门课程(4个卡内基单元)



Students must demonstrate Level 2 proficiency in a 语言 other than English. 完成这一要求的方法包括:

  1. By completing the second semester-long course in the sequence of courses in the same 语言 other than English at an accredited postsecondary institution. 美国手语是明确允许的. 
  2. By completing with a grade of C- or better each year the third year of the same 语言 other than English in high school, 包括美国手语.
  3. By passing a proficiency exam in a proctored environment with an assessment instrument approved by the Department of World Languages and 文化s or the Department of Classical Languages as appropriate. 
  4. Via an AP exam score of 3 or higher in a 语言 other than English.
  5. Via an IB higher level exam score of 5 or higher in a 语言 other than English. 
  6. Via a TOEFL score consistent with current enrollment standards for international students who are non-native speakers of English.

Students will engage with the foundational ideas and texts of the Catholic Christian tradition, as well as have the opportunity to deepen or broaden their 知识 through further study of aspects of the Catholic faith or other theological traditions, 信仰, 或实践.

  • 基督教基金会= 1门课程(3个卡内基学分)
  • 神学探索= 1门课程(3个卡内基学分)




Students will learn to examine different forms of diversity and study how identities work together and against each other to produce the lived experience. They will also learn how power functions in communities and the workplace and what it means to promote equity. They will accomplish this by critically examining social categories of identities, 比如种族, 种族, 性别, 性, class, (dis)的能力, 移民身份, 语言, 和/或宗教在美国.S.

  • 1门课程(3个卡内基单元)



Students will learn to understand global issues by examining culture, 历史, 权力关系与动态, (在)正义和(在)公平, and the issues of dependence and interdependence between parts of the world. They will accomplish this by engaging in perspective-taking, inclusive of non-dominant or non-U.S. 视角.

  • 1门课程(3个卡内基单元)



Students will experientially learn to put academic content to practice while working collaboratively with their community partners. Students will also consider the immediate or long-term impact of their work on themselves, 社区伙伴, 更广泛的社会.

  • 1门课程(1个卡内基单元)


思维习惯 offers an integrative and 发展 curriculum to foster students' core competencies in written communication, 批判性思维和研究实践, 将共同探究作为一种口头交流的形式, 以及终身学习的能力. 

  • 大学研讨会
    • 四门课程的顺序
  • 写作
    • Sequence of two courses and the 写作 in the Discipline course completed in the major
  • 1项
    • 1月份开设四门课程

通往知识之路 prepares students for their major field of study by providing the foundational 知识 and skills. 需求包括:



通过数学要求, students will develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the validity of mathematical premises and to argue deductively from them. 通过科学要求, 学生将通过收集来学习归纳论证, 分析, and interpreting empirical data in a systematic way in order to test and revise hypotheses about the natural and physical world.

  • 数学= 1门课程
  • 理科= 1堂课+实验课



学生将学习基于社会科学的理论, 方法, or frameworks to explore the richness and complexity of human behaviors, 组织, 以及社会制度. They will do this by developing the 知识 base and skills required to engage in a systematic exploration of human society and its socio-cultural and organizational institutions using social scientific reasoning approaches.

  • 两门课程



学生将学习如何批判性地分析人工制品, 叙述, 经历, 或者艺术形式. 他们也会利用合适的渠道制作出有创意的工艺品. Students will take either a single course that meets both Creative Practice and Arts or Humanities or separate courses.

  • 两门分析课程
  • 一个(.25学分)实践课程



Students will engage with the foundational ideas and texts of the Catholic Christian tradition, as well as have the opportunity to deepen or broaden their 知识 through further study of aspects of the Catholic faith or other theological traditions, 信仰, 或实践.

  • 基督教基础(1门)
  • 神学探索(1门)



Students must demonstrate Level 3 proficiency in a 语言 other than English. 




Students will learn to examine different forms of diversity and study how identities work together and against each other to produce the lived experience. They will also learn how power functions in communities and the workplace and what it means to promote equity. They will accomplish this by critically examining social categories of identities, 比如种族, 种族, 性别, 性, class, (dis)的能力, 移民身份, 语言, 和/或宗教在美国.S.

  • 1课程



Students will learn to understand global issues by examining culture, 历史, 权力关系与动态, (在)正义和(在)公平, and the issues of dependence and interdependence between parts of the world. They will accomplish this by engaging in perspective-taking, inclusive of non-dominant or non-U.S. 视角.

  • 1课程



Students will experientially learn to put academic content to practice while working collaboratively with their community partners. Students will also consider the immediate or long-term impact of their work on themselves, 社区伙伴, 更广泛的社会.

  • 1 (.25学分课程



  • 1课程


史蒂夫·米勒博士.D. (scmiller@medinet-consult.net)

